
Ouvrir une session ou (S'inscrire) pour faire une soumission.

Liste de vérification de la soumission

En tant que partie intégrante du processus de soumission, les auteurs doivent s'assurer de la conformité de leur soumission avec tous les éléments suivants, et les soumissions peuvent être retournées aux auteurs qui ne sont pas conformes à ces directives.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Directives aux auteurs

Tunisian Journal of Medicine (TJEM) is a national mul­ ti-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal, open access and constantly updated online journal that publishes meta­ analysis, systematic reviews, original articles, case reports; brief reports on clinical and laboratory observations, photograph/radiograph and ECG of the month covering all medical specialties.

The journal's full text is available at

The journal allows free access (Open Access) to all its contents.


1. Reviews:

Including systematic review articles based on exhaustive literature search and meta-analyses of published randomized controlled clinical studies.

  1. Original articles:

Original articles are expected to present a significant advance in clinical investigations and should be arranged in the following order: title page, abstract, introduction, methods, results, dis­cussion acknowledgments (including author contributions, conflict of interest statement), references, tables (each inclu­ ding a title and legend), and figure legends.

An abstract is required for all original articles. The abstract should be unstructured, concise, and precise and should survey the essential findings of the manuscript. The abstract may not exceed 350 words.

The word limit for the main text of Original Articles will appear in the print version of the journal is 4,000 words. (The total word count excludes the title page, abstract, aknowledg­ments, references, tables and figures, and table/figure legends.) The main text should be double-spaced with justified margins. The article should contain no more than 50 references and the reference section should be single-spaced with justified margins. The article should contain no more than a combination of eight tables, and/or figures.

  1. Case reports:

A case report submitted to TJEM can be a clinical case or procedure that illustrates an important clinical message or the appropriate use of an important clinical guideline or review. In addition, it must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Uncommon side effects or adverse interactions involving medications,
  • Unusual presentations of a disease,
  • New associations of a disease,
  • Diagnoses, and/or management of new and emerging diseases,
  • An unexpected association between disease or symp­ toms,
  • An unexpected event while observing or treating a pa­tient,
  • A rare feature of a disease or unique therapeutic ap­

The text should not exceed 1500-2000 words and should be arranged as Abstract, Introduction, Case report, Discus­ sion, Conclusion, References, Tables, and Legends to figures (maximum of three figures).

Include a brief structured abstract of 250 words using the following headings: Background, Case Report, and Conclusion.

The manuscripts should be written in reasonably good English and must present a relevant clinical message.

Case reports should include the patient's history, clinical exami­ nation, investigations sufficient to explain the case, details of differential diagnosis, treatment plan, and follow-up with a dear and definite outcome. The discussion section should explain the case in the context of published information and include an up-to-date review of similar cases in the field. Up to 15 most recent references can be included. Only colored photographs should be submitted. The patient's written consent to publication must be obtained.

4. Brief case reports:

Brief communications describing an original observation (aim, case, conclusion, three references, and maximum two figures).

5. Image of the Month:

An interesting, navel, or highly educational image with/wi­ without pathological images that clearly define the condition and have the classical characteristics of the clinical condi­tion can be displayed by the visual. Clinical photographs where diagnosis is not possible on images alone would not be considered for this section. The focus of this section is the image itself and their matter should be directed to the image description. This section is not intended to be used as a forum for case reports. Manuscripts are limited to 400 words and should include not more than 5 references. The electronically submitted image should be in .jpg format, of high-quality resolution (>300 dpi).

Manuscripts having poor quality or inappropriate tc31lution images will be returned to the author. An image should reflect the intended educatio­ message. lt is the responsibility of the author to obtain signed informed consent from the patient/parent, and the same must be stated on the Tide page. The editorial board may ask for such a consent form at any time during the manuscript review process.


For reporting, the authors are expected to comply with the recom­mendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) which was originally known as the Vancouver Group.

1. General  instructions:

The manuscript is to be submitted electronically at hnp://tuni­œn (US) English throughout

- Manuscripts must be submitted in a double-spaced Word docu­ment. Use a 12-point font (Times New Roman).

Names and sequenœ of authors, and the corresponding author details, as submitted on the ride page and uploaded in the online manuscript management system should not have any discrepancy.

- Abstract (wherever applicable) must be included in the main 'blinded manuscript,' apart from being uploaded in the relevant box at the manuscript submission website.

  • Units of measurement: Conventional units are The metric system is preferred for the expression of length, area, and volume.
  • Trade names: Trade names and brand names of drugs and devices should not be used in the ride of the paper. They may appear only once in the paper. thereafter, only generic names should be used throughout the article. Proprietary names, if given, should not have a superscript C,©, or just capitalize the first word.
  • Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text.

The manuscript must be arranged in the following order: 1. Title page: This should be a separate file.

  1. Manuscript: This consists of the Abstract, keywords, Body text, Tables, and Figure legends. Num­ ber all pages of the manuscript consecutively, beginning with the abstract page.
  1. Figures: Each figure should be sent as a separate
  2. Conflict of interest form: All authors should sign on a standard format of the journal regarding conflict of The statement with original signatures is to be uploaded as the same file.

•Title page

Title Page should have the following information:

  • A concise and informative title no more than
  • First name and last name of each author. For example; 'Rah- man N':here, 'N' will be considered as the Initial, and 'Rahman will be indexed as Last
  • No more than 8 authors will be accepted for all
  • Name of department(s) and institutional affiliations to which work should be
  • The complete name and address of the author to whom corres­ ponderance should be sent, as well as his/her phone number, tx. number and email address.s.
  • Word count (not including abstract, tables, figures, acknowledgments, and references).
  • Disclosure of support/funding in the form of grants, equip­ ment, drugs, or all of these received. Provide both the name and location of each funding agency/source.
  • Declaration of conflicts or competing


  • Abstract and keywords:

Unless otherwise specified, all articles must be accompanied by a structured abstract. lt must appear between the title page and the introduction section of the manuscript.

.Abstract should be structured within 350 words. le should be a factual description of the study performed organi1.ed with the hea­ di of background, aim, methods, results, and conclusions. No abbreviations are used in the abstract, unless very essential.

Four to five keywords to facilitate indexing should be provided in alphabetical order below the abstract. Tennis from the Medical Subject Headings (MESH) list of the National Library of Medicine

{  should preferably be used.


Original scientific reports should be arranged in sections labeled:

Introduction Methods Results

Discussion and conclusions

Acknowledgments:  A brief statement should ack­owledge individuals,  other than authors, who were of direct help in the reported work or if the work was supported by a commercial grant. All acknowledged persons should give their written consent to being named in the manuscript.


References should be according to the Vancouver style.

Rdèrenœs should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are fuse mentioned in the text in square hraclœt:s D. If you cite a reference more than once in the text, use the same number each time.

Two referenœs are cited separated by a comma, with no spaces three or more consecutive referenœs are given as a range with an en rule.

The last names of the authors are written first followed by the initials. Ali authors of the article should be listed when six or fewer; when seven or more list only the first six and addet al.

Use abbreviated rides of the medical journals as they appear in Na tional Library of Medicine Catalogue available at http://www.ncbi. In case of a Journal that is not available in the NLMcatalogue, provide the full name of Joumal.

Use the style of the examples below.

Articles in journal (list the fuse 6 authors, followed by et al.) Ghazali H, Chenniti I, &sid ], Gammoudi M, Mahdhaoui S, Ngach M, Mguidich S and al. Predictors of acute coronary syn­ dromes in patients with acute chest pain and normal electrocudio­ gram. TJEM. 2017;2:15-20.

Material published early on the website but not yet published in print

Narang M, Puri AS, Sachdeva S, Singh J, Kumar A, Saran RK. Celiac Disease and H. pylori infection in children: Is there any association? J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016;Nov 15 (Epub ahead of print).

Chapter in a book:

Aggarwal A, Narang M. Acute stroke in children. In: Gupte S (ed). Recent Advances in Pediatrics.15th ed. Jaypee Brothers: New Delhi; 2004. pp.145-53.

Conference  proceedings:

Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in dini­ cal neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 1Oth Internatio­ nal Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam:Elsevier;1996.

Newspaper article:

Encephalitis battle tough test for Yogi. Hindustan Times 2017 April 27; Delhi: p. 17 (col 1-6).

Tables and Figures:

No more than five tables and figures are accepted.

Identify any previously published material by giving the source as a reference at the end of the table caption or the figure legend.


All tables are to be numbered using Arabie numerals. Tables should always be cited in the text in consecutive numerical order. The table title should explain dearly and concisely the compo­nents of the table, it should be centered above the table.


All figures are to be numbered using Arabie numerals. Preferred file formats for figures are JPEG (.jpeg or .jpg), EPS (.eps), or TIFF (.tif).

Include explanations of symbols and shading within the figure, and use arrows to identify particular areas of interest. Figures in which a person is identifiable must either have the face masked out or be accompanied by writ­ ten permission for publication from the individual in the photograph.


All manuscripts must be submitted online to "http://www.".

Firstly, the author should go on the website and create a free count.

The following list will be useful during the final checking of an article before sending it to the journal for review.

  • Title page: containing all required information [article title, author(s) details, corresponding author details, contribution of each author, funding, conflict of interest, and a running title].
  • Manuscript: consisting of Abstract (and MeSH keywords), Body text (introduction, case report, discussion, conclusion, referenœs), Tables, Appendices, Figure
  • Conflict of Interest Statement
  • Figures: Each figure should be sent as a separate document

If you are unable to submit your manuscript via the web­ site or have any questions about TJEM, please contact the editorial office:

Editorial Office Tel: +216 56030733 Mail:

Rubriques de la revue

Déclaration de confidentialité

Les noms et courriels saisis dans le site de cette revue seront utilisés exclusivement aux fins indiquées par cette revue et ne serviront à aucune autre fin, ni à toute autre partie.
