A complicated pulmonary hydatid cyst mimickingpneumonia: A case report
Hydatic cyst is an important helminthic zoonotic disease in humans that commonly affects the liver
and lungs. It results in high morbidity rates, particularly in endemic regions. Hydatic cyst disease may
cause atypical clinical and radiological features and complications that cause difficulties in
diagnosis. Misdiagnoses may end up with a delay in treatment.
Case presentation
We report a case of a 56-year-old female, with no past medical history who presented to our
Emergency Department (ED) for sudden dyspnea and fever. Her physical examination showed
altered facies and fever. Examination of the respiratory system revealed decreased vesicular breath
sounds and vocal resonance and an impaired percussion note in the right lower lung field. Complete
blood count (CBC) came with a high white blood cell (WBC) (73% neutrophils). Chest X-ray
(CXR) showed an atypical right basal triangular opacity with an outer vertex and an inner base and
thoracic CT demonstrated a complicated hydatic cyst partially ruptured in the right lobe.
Due to their varied presentations, pulmonary hydatid cysts may imitate other chest diseases
especially when complicated and the diagnosis imposes major challenges. The disease should be
considered in endemic regions.
(c) Copyright Tunisian Journal of Emergency Medicine 2024

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