Cade oil poisoning in pediatrics: about 12 cases
Manel Weli 1 ; Mariam Jmal 2; Marwa Damak 2; Boutheina Ben Amar 2; Olfa Chakroun 2; Noureddine Rekik 22, Abdelmajid Mahfoudh
Mots-clés :
Cade oil, Poisoning, Emergency, OutcomesRésumé
Traditional therapy is a practice that is attracting more and more people, thus reinforcing the crisis of confidence between patient and treatment.
In this context, we propose to study the Tunisian recourse to the use of a type of tar "cade oil" advised sometimes by charlatans by habits and beliefs.
The diagnoses retained in these patients in association with tar poisoning were acute dehydration and febrile gastroenteritis. No specific treatment or antidote for tar was administered. The evolution was favorable for ten patients and fatal for two children.
The use of cade oil is currently rapidly growing. Its irrational use leads to serious, even fatal adverse events as noted in the literature and observed in our study. Preventive measures are required, including awareness-raising action: information and communication, Scientific action
Health action Regulatory action Legal action
(c) Copyright Tunisian Journal of Emergency Medicine 2023

Ce travail est disponible sous licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.
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