Management of mass disasters related to the sinking of clandestine immigrants
Wiem BEN AMAR1,2, Hela SIALA1,2, Narjes KARRAY1,2, Fatma DAOUD1,2, Zouhir HAMMAMI 1,2, Malek ZRIBI 1,2, Samir MAATOUG1,2.
The sinking of an illegal immigration ship constitutes an unpredictable event, responsible for a mass disaster that can generate a large media resonance. Therefore, it constitutes a medical and social emergency.
In this work, we propose to describe the management procedure of mass disasters related to the sinking of illegal immigrant ships and to document the main difficulties encountered.
Even if important advances have been made in the management and the identification process of clandestine immigrants, various challenges and difficulties remain to be overcome to provide a rapid response to the families, who are uncertain about the destiny of their missing relatives.
(c) Copyright Tunisian Journal of Emergency Medicine 2022

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